Monday, April 18, 2011

Water For Weight Loss

photo by, Ryan Faulkner Photography
Water is an essential element in any weight loss program. It is generally recommended that we drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day for optimal health. Why is it so important?

- Water has no calories and effectively fills the stomach which reduces our hunger level so we are less likely to overeat.

- Dehydration is often perceived by the brain as hunger. So often when we think we need food, what our body really needs is a drink of water. Again we avoid consuming empty or unnecessary calories by staying adequately hydrated.

- Water flushes out toxins and waste products from the body which allows our organs to function properly. When we allow those toxins to build up, the body organs have to work harder to compensate and we feel tired more frequently. This makes keeping up with our workout programs far more difficult.

- Approximately 2/3 of the body is made up of water. Every cell needs it in order to thrive. Additionally water protects and lubricates the joints which is very important with the added stresses of exercise that we are imposing when trying to lose weight. We get sick less often when drinking enough water as well as have fewer head and body aches.

-  Water helps regulate body temperature which is critical when running and sweating from workouts.

- Water also aids in digestion, which in turn boosts your metabolism so you can burn more calories even while standing still.

Signs that you are not drinking enough water?

- Urine with a strong odor and/or that is dark in color.

- Dry skin, mouth and eyes.

- Fatigue

- Thirst. Bear in mind that by the time you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated so drinking even before you feel the signs of thirst is best.

Come up with a system for yourself to remind you to drink enough fluids. A chart on the wall or computer can help. I drink a standard size water bottle and then fill it two more times during the day and I then know I've had the right amount. Juices and other drinks can substitute for some of the requirement, but they come with added calories and sugars which are not ideal. Coffee and sodas are actually counterproductive because the caffeine and sodium are dehydrating substances, so avoid them if you can. If you absolutely must consume them, be sure to drink extra water that day to compensate.

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