Monday, April 25, 2011

Workout With Friends

I'm going early in the morning to lead an exercise class at my church building. That's not as impressive as it sounds. I'm simply putting in a DVD and doing the workout along with the ladies. There are other women who "teach" more than I do on other weeks. One who does Jazzercize and a group that do a Hip Hop class.  Today it's my turn again though and we will be doing the P90X KenpoX workout together. Probably about ten of us gathering together to kick and punch off the pounds while the little ones run around and play in the back of the gym.

I'm telling you this to illustrate a point. That it is way more fun to workout with friends. Let's face it...exercise can be tough. When the alarm goes off first thing in the morning it is really easy to just hit the snooze button several times until it is too late to fit in the workout. Oh come on know you've done that too.  Hard to embrace the burn and the sweat some days. Even though we know it is good for us, we still would rather not sometimes. The treadmill can be boring. Running outside can get cold. Working so hard while the rest of the family sleeps can bring out the martyr in the best of us.

But getting together with a group of people who share your same goals...
Having someone that is expecting you that you don't want to let down by not showing up...
Having a friend to chat with...

It all helps overcome the inertia and makes the experience far more enjoyable overall. When working out with others you can push each other a little further and support each other. Working out together can really build your friendships too, which is just as important to overall happiness in life as our physical health. So get a group together. Or even just one friend to walk with a few days a week. It's fun!

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