Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Movie Review: "Soul Surfer"

I took my older kids to see the movie "Soul Surfer" the other day. We really enjoyed it. The acting won't win any awards I don't think, but the message was amazing. It tells the true story of a young woman in Hawaii who was a champion competitive surfer. While resting on her board out in the water one day she was attacked by a shark and lost one of her arms. Many people would have pretty much given up on life in general at that point, but this girl through faith and determination, and with the love and support of her family and church group, goes on to inspire others through service and by retraining herself to compete at the highest levels in the surfing community. She didn't give up when the going got rough. When one thing didn't work she tried another, until she found a way. And in the end she fulfilled her dreams against the odds, and helped others find courage to reach for theirs as well.

We often feel discouraged and want to give up on our fitness goals. We feel like our bodies have changed with age and weight gain and just aren't capable anymore of what they once were. Watching this movie will inspire us to remember that where there is will to work hard and the grit to keep on trying...we can accomplish great things. If she can do it so can we!!! I would definitely recommend seeing this movie.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Workout With Friends

I'm going early in the morning to lead an exercise class at my church building. That's not as impressive as it sounds. I'm simply putting in a DVD and doing the workout along with the ladies. There are other women who "teach" more than I do on other weeks. One who does Jazzercize and a group that do a Hip Hop class.  Today it's my turn again though and we will be doing the P90X KenpoX workout together. Probably about ten of us gathering together to kick and punch off the pounds while the little ones run around and play in the back of the gym.

I'm telling you this to illustrate a point. That it is way more fun to workout with friends. Let's face it...exercise can be tough. When the alarm goes off first thing in the morning it is really easy to just hit the snooze button several times until it is too late to fit in the workout. Oh come on now...you know you've done that too.  Hard to embrace the burn and the sweat some days. Even though we know it is good for us, we still would rather not sometimes. The treadmill can be boring. Running outside can get cold. Working so hard while the rest of the family sleeps can bring out the martyr in the best of us.

But getting together with a group of people who share your same goals...
Having someone that is expecting you that you don't want to let down by not showing up...
Having a friend to chat with...

It all helps overcome the inertia and makes the experience far more enjoyable overall. When working out with others you can push each other a little further and support each other. Working out together can really build your friendships too, which is just as important to overall happiness in life as our physical health. So get a group together. Or even just one friend to walk with a few days a week. It's fun!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter tomorrow. Enjoy the time with your family and friends!!!  And go ahead...eat a little candy with the kids. Then run a little extra the next day! :-)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day! Perfect day to get out for a run, walk or hike and enjoy this beautiful world we live in.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gearing Up For The Grand Canyon

On May 13th I'm going to be hiking the Grand Canyon rim to rim. Starting at one side at about 5 am and hopefully climbing out the other side 9 to 10 hours later. I'm a little nervous about this , but excited to take on the challenge. My Step- Dad leads a group through twice a year and it's become a bit of a right of passage in the family. My 20 year old son and my 16 year old daughter have done it previously. This time my 18 year old son and my 12 year old daughter and I will be going. It will be fun to share that experience with two of my kids. But it's definitely not going to be easy. I'm down to just a few weeks now so have to start getting more serious about training for it. Here's my plan:

Mondays: P90X Kenpo

Tuesdays: Run two miles

Wednesdays: P90X Plyometrics

Thursdays: Run two miles

Fridays: P90X Kenpo

Saturdays: Run two miles

Sundays: Rest

In addition I will be climbing the main stairs in my house 50 times a day to get those climbing muscles going strong. I want to drop about 5 pounds beforehand too so I have less to carry. :-) Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Review: Tracy Anderson - Perfect Design Series

A friend of mine loaned me this DVD series to try and review. So I've been doing these workouts this week. I would give them a mixed review. A 3 out of 5 maybe? I found the warm-up and arm segments to be rather chaotic and hard to follow. To be fair it may be my lack of dance skills to blame, but I had a tough time figuring out what she was doing most of the time. But the exercise segments themselves were very good. She is in great shape herself and has a pleasant soothing voice. I liked that there was minimal equipment necessary...only a chair at a few points so they could be done almost anywhere. The moves were designed to use your own body weight and resistance to help push your muscles. The series seems geared more to body sculpting than aerobics, and the key to her program appeared to be repetition with many many reps of each move. I was pretty sore the next day when I did these workouts and new muscle patterns were tested and tried. The DVD's show endorsements from Courtney Cox and Shakira who are no doubt far better dancers than I am. So I am sure that the parts I had a hard time with would get easier after a few times through watching more closely. Overall a pretty good program.

Tracy Anderson Perfect Design Series: Sequence II

Monday, April 18, 2011

Water For Weight Loss

photo by, Ryan Faulkner Photography
Water is an essential element in any weight loss program. It is generally recommended that we drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day for optimal health. Why is it so important?

- Water has no calories and effectively fills the stomach which reduces our hunger level so we are less likely to overeat.

- Dehydration is often perceived by the brain as hunger. So often when we think we need food, what our body really needs is a drink of water. Again we avoid consuming empty or unnecessary calories by staying adequately hydrated.

- Water flushes out toxins and waste products from the body which allows our organs to function properly. When we allow those toxins to build up, the body organs have to work harder to compensate and we feel tired more frequently. This makes keeping up with our workout programs far more difficult.

- Approximately 2/3 of the body is made up of water. Every cell needs it in order to thrive. Additionally water protects and lubricates the joints which is very important with the added stresses of exercise that we are imposing when trying to lose weight. We get sick less often when drinking enough water as well as have fewer head and body aches.

-  Water helps regulate body temperature which is critical when running and sweating from workouts.

- Water also aids in digestion, which in turn boosts your metabolism so you can burn more calories even while standing still.

Signs that you are not drinking enough water?

- Urine with a strong odor and/or that is dark in color.

- Dry skin, mouth and eyes.

- Fatigue

- Thirst. Bear in mind that by the time you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated so drinking even before you feel the signs of thirst is best.

Come up with a system for yourself to remind you to drink enough fluids. A chart on the wall or computer can help. I drink a standard size water bottle and then fill it two more times during the day and I then know I've had the right amount. Juices and other drinks can substitute for some of the requirement, but they come with added calories and sugars which are not ideal. Coffee and sodas are actually counterproductive because the caffeine and sodium are dehydrating substances, so avoid them if you can. If you absolutely must consume them, be sure to drink extra water that day to compensate.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Have You Heard About Shakeology?

Have you heard about Shakeology? Even though I had been using beach body workout DVD's for quite a long time, it wasn't until I decided to become a coach for the company that I was really introduced to Shakeology. I will admit I was a bit of a skeptic. I am typically one that is not big into supplements. I believe that getting your nutrition through healthy whole food is the best way. So I had kind of ignored the ads for Shakeology. But when I decided to rep I knew I better give it a try so I had something intelligent to say if people asked me about it. So I ordered some. And I was truly amazed at the difference it made.

Shakeology is power packed with so many vitamins and minerals, probiotics...the good stuff your body needs to function properly. Check out my website to learn more and hear testimonials. Over a hundred doctors are endorsing this product as well. When I was listening to the doctors clips and recognized the face of a well respected cardiologist in my area whose kids attended school with mine, I was sold completely. These really are real doctors...not paid actors. :-)

The website does a far better job of explaining the science behind the product and WHY it works. I can just tell you that it DOES work. I didn't expect to see results, but within a few days I could already tell a difference. On the days I drank a Shakeology shake I had so much more energy. I had usually been needing a nap in the afternoons, but when I drank a shake at lunchtime I never got that sluggish feeling. My first thought was that it must be packed with caffeine or sugar to give me that energy spike, but I checked and it isn't at all. The energy is coming from adequate nutrition that my body has been craving for a long time.

And I felt FULL. This product works well if you are dieting as a meal replacement. I stayed feeling completely full for several hours after drinking just one shake. I am not sure that I agree that it tastes like a dessert exactly. But it is far better than most protein shakes I have tried out there. And if you mix it in the blender with a banana it really does taste good. The powder comes with a recipe card included on ways to have a little variety with your Shakeology. I have tried several and they were all excellent. The greenberry is not my favorite, but those who like spinach juices and other types of green drinks would probably enjoy it. When I mix some frozen strawberries in with the greenberry I think it tastes much better.

Check out my website at www.myshakeology.com/fitnessmamax9  to learn more about Shakeology and feel free to ask me any questions you may have. If you would like to try a free sample of this product  send me your name and address to  - admin@flippingthescales.com
Let me know if you'd like to try chocolate or greenberry. Thanks so much.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mind Body Connection

There is a place in the mall where you can walk in with no appointment and have a 10, 20 or 30 minute massage. On an impulse the other day I went in and had 20 minutes of "me time". It was wonderful, but I realized just how tense my muscles were. I've been under a fair amount of stress lately and had thought I was handling it ok. My muscles told a different story however. Yikes! The massage helped a lot to work out the kinks, but it got me pondering on the connection between the mind and the body.   They are separate in some ways, but yet influence and affect each other profoundly. It's kind of a chicken and egg thing isn't it? When we feel stress, our body reacts. But when we neglect our bodies and don't have enough sleep, etc than it causes us to feel stressed. Which came first? Hard to say sometimes. The same applies to weight. It is well documented that depression and weight gain go together. But do we become depressed because we gained weight and feel bad about ourselves? Or do we stop taking care of ourselves because we are depressed and then we gain weight?

The point I'd like to make is that if our bodies and minds can affect each other negatively, then it stands to reason that they would be equally connected on positive things. So even small changes we make in one can build up the other as well. When we work on our bodies and strengthen ourselves and lose weight it has an amazing affect on our mental outlook. Not only because we have more energy to try new fun things, but also because we feel more personal power. We are proud of our accomplishments and hold our heads a little higher knowing we look better. This was one of the biggest surprises to me from my weight loss actually. I expected that it would make me feel better physically and help my health. I did not expect the almost total change in all of the other areas of my life as well, as I had more general enthusiasm for living. So for me it was body first then mind. But I wonder...if weight loss is stalled. What if we started taking more time to nurture our spirits? To start a new hobby or play more with our kids or pause each day for quite meditation. Whatever works for us personally to help ease our minds and fill up our hearts so our attitudes are full of joy and hope. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that doing this would help in our weight loss (unless we choose to eat double chocolate cakes to boost our moods of course).  When we are happier we have more overall energy and zest for tackling projects. It is easier to get out of bed to workout. We feel more confidence which helps us overcome the difficulties of our weight loss journey. We feel more hopeful for a positive end results which keeps us active and moving forward. So if your weight loss is stalled or moving too slowly for your liking, try working on boosting your mood and internal outlook rather than beating yourself up about your supposed failures. Focus on being HAPPY rather than just on being thin and see if it doesn't work out that you become both in the process. Good luck!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Slim In 6

People often ask me about the workouts I used to lose weight. I've used many different programs over time, but two in particular during my serious weight loss period. Early on in my journey I was led to a company called beachbody (I came to love the products so much that I eventually became one of their sales representatives or "coaches" myself) I had put it out on facebook that I was looking for a program for a person who was starting from a fairly low fitness level that was easy on the abs since I had a severe umbilical hernia at the time. A guy named Eric that I had known in high school was coaching for beachbody and told me about the Slim In 6 Program. So that is where I began. The focus of the workouts is on burning fat rather than bulking up muscle although you do build muscle as well. But they are mostly aerobic in nature and meant to help you lose steadily over a six week period. The beauty of this program for beginners is that it takes a measured approach and works you up gradually. It begins with a "Start it Up" workout. Once you have mastered that after a week or two it intensifies into the "Ramp It Up" workout and then the "Keep It Up" after that. So you can go at your own pace and get more intense as you are ready. In a related series Debbie Siebers has some express programs for those short on time. These are all about 30 minutes long for days when you are in a hurry but still want to squeeze in a workout.


-It can be tailored to your current fitness level.
-Debbie is pleasant to watch and very encouraging.
-Reasonable cost compared to other programs out there.


-It can get a little monotonous to do the same workout daily once you reach the "keep it up" level. So you'll want to have other programs to alternate with this one for variety.

I would highly recommend this program to anyone starting out. Or anyone looking for a fun workout to add to their collection. I don't want to imply that it's easy. You'll definitely work hard. It's just more accessible for beginners than some workouts available out there because of the easier versions that you begin with. But I go back to "Keep It Up" occasionally and still find it challenging.

If you are interested in ordering this program or learning more about it you can check out my website at

www.beachbodycoach.com/fitnessmamax9   or click on the logo above.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Do Things Weigh?

I used to carry about 9 of these around with
 me every day. Yikes!!!
Just to put your weight loss into perspective for you, here are some weights to compare to:

Sack of potatoes...5 lbs.

Gallon of milk...about 8 lbs.

The average three year old child....31 lbs.

A medium sized watermelon...3 lbs.

Adult Golden Retriever...70 lbs.

Three apples...1 lb.

SOOOO....that means if you have 50 pounds to lose that is the same as carrying around ten sacks of potatoes worth of weight each day. Can you imagine how hard that is on your organs and joints? This is way more than a cosmetic issue. When the weight comes off you will find daily tasks are so much easier when you aren't having to haul so many extra pounds along with you.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Accountability is one of the primary keys to successful weight loss. We can have all the best intentions in the world but old habits, fatigue, temptations and other factors can undermine our resolve if we haven't set up a system of reporting our progress. You CAN report to yourself through charts and online programs and such. I highly recommend that actually. But it's very helpful to have an outside source as well for the following reasons:

-Too easy to cheat when it is only you that will know.

- If it is someone who has been through a similar experience themselves they can offer tips and insights and compassion to you on your journey.

-If it is someone who is currently on the same path as you, you can be supportive of one another and be workout buddies too. More fun always to exercise with a friend to talk to.

-You are far more likely to do what you committed to do if you know there is someone waiting to hear from you that you did it. That little sense of outside pressure can help you overcome inertia and the pat on the back they give you when you report in is an added reward that helps keep you motivated.

Accountability can be as simple as just having a friend to call once a week to tell about your successes or frustrations. Someone you meet with on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to go walking with perhaps. I have one friend who started a page on facebook to chronicle her weight loss journey and get support from her friends. Weight watchers and other such programs are built around the principle of accountability and reporting so they can be a good resource. A personal trainer or life coach might also be useful. Online chat rooms are out there where you can find like-minded people. (There are a few forums like this on my beachbody site that are pretty active  www.beachbodycoach.com/fitnessmamax9) Or running clubs where you set goals together. Be creative and think about the type of support that would be most helpful to you personally. Then enlist your friends or professionals to help. Family members are often not the best source for this as I will talk about in a later post. Try to seek out people who know a little bit about the topic or have lost a lot of weight or are actively trying to themselves. Just be sure that at least weekly you have a place to report your progress to.

In the spirit of this I need to confess that I had some medication that interfered with my synthroid and I piled on twenty pounds again in a hurry (just a couple of months) before figuring out what was wrong and correcting the dosage situation. I'm am deeply frustrated by this since the doctors should have known better than to give me something that nullified the synthroid, but I'm not gonna sit and whine out my excuses. Won't do any good. Just practicing what I preach and putting it out here on the blog to set up some accountability for ME. No matter why the pounds came back on I am going to get them back off by going back to basics right along with you. This is a lifetime process.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lessons learned in Italy

I am happy to report that my plan worked...I lost two pounds this week eating pasta and gelato. Why? Because we walked for miles every day sightseeing. Calories burned exceeded calories taken in. Makes me want to find more excuses to walk when I get home.

I noticed about halfway into the trip that there were very few overweight people in Rome. This surprised me considering the stereotypical image I had in my mind before coming here, so I asked my friend about it. She told me that there are many reasons for this. First, as noted above, they walk a lot. Driving is a bit of a nightmare here in the city so most people opt to walk. They also shop frequently, buying fresh fruits and vegetables that are almost always in season and organically grown. That is the norm here. Contrary to what I figured after growing up eating the Americanized versions of Italian food...they use cheese and sauces rather sparingly. Draw flavor from their foods with high quality healthy oils and herbs instead. Fast food really barely exists. I only saw two McDonalds and one Burger King in all of Rome. There may be more but I did not see them. No drive-throughs either. People cook fresh most days. Processed foods are enormously expensive and not often purchased.  Healthy eating comes naturally and of necessity in this environment. And they tend to eat rather slowly and savor their food and conversation. Virtually the whole city closes down from noon to four o'clock for "lunch hour." Pretty much everything is closed except the restaurants during this time, unless you are in a high tourist traffic area, so the locals can take their time and eat unrushed. Lunch is often the biggest meal of the day which has been proven to be better for your system generally. Also when you eat more slowly you tend to eat less food, because you give your body the chance to register the sensation of fullness.  All good tips that I hope to incorporate more into my life when I return to the states tomorrow. It's been a wonderful trip. Good food. Amazing history and friendly people. Wonderful all the way around. Thank you to my friend Bonnie and her family for hosting me while I was here.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Menu Planning by, Lizbeth Opiola

Thank you to Lizbeth for contributing this post:


For me step one in changing your eating plan is establishing a weekly meal plan.  It should be very specific. 



Am snack


Pm snack


On this chart, you should write all that you want to eat at each meal.  Be very specific.  For example, here is my Monday Meal plan:
Breakfast:  oatmeal with blueberries, 1 8-oz glass of OJ, yogurt
Am Snack:  Shake with peaches, pineapple, raspberries, banana, spinach, plain yogurt, cranberry juice, ice
Lunch:  leftovers from Sunday Dinner—vegetable stir fry, grilled chicken and roasted potatoes
Afternoon snack:  apple with peanut butter
Dinner:  Salmon in an oj & brown sugar glaze, rice (orange flavored), sugar snap peas, squash (depending on season depends on what squash I would make).
This allows me to do a few different things.  Making a weekly chart makes preparing meals a lot easier.  You know what to serve day to day.  You can go shopping once or twice a week (depending on your shopping habits) and know exactly what you need.  I always make my weekly menu plans prior to shopping.  Then I create my list from this meal plan.  This allows me to know exactly what I buy for each day.  Also I always make sure I eat prior to going to the store.  (A hungry stomach is a negative on my shopping list and wallet).  I may also look at the weekly sales prior to establishing my list/menu.  This allows me to use what is on sale that week ($$$ saved).  
Another shortcut, sometimes, I also make meals ahead of time.  If I know my week is crazy busy, then I know what to make in advance or make easier on those busy days.  Cutting, chopping beforehand (like on Sunday) can save a lot of time throughout the week.  Also plan easier meals on days that you are busy.  Leftovers can be a meal plan for a day.  I prefer to have my leftovers for lunch, but it can be a full meal.  The more detailed your menu, the easier it is to make your shopping list and the easier it is to make meals throughout the week.

Lizbeth Opiola I love to talk, discuss, research and actively seek healthy eating and nutrition.  By no means am I an expert, but I hope to be one day.  I have been active my entire life, worked in the fitness industry for many years and was constantly asked about health, weight loss and nutrition.  I first became interested as an athlete, but continued my love (it is one topic I can talk hours and hours on, sports being the other).  I read a lot of books on the topic, enrolled in a Nutrition Certificate Program at University of Utah and try to practice what I preach.  The information I provide is from my years of studying the topic and trying to get others interested in what they eat.  I believe it is a lot easier than what you think it is.  A healthy diet is attainable by all. You just have to start somewhere.