Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gearing Up For The Grand Canyon

On May 13th I'm going to be hiking the Grand Canyon rim to rim. Starting at one side at about 5 am and hopefully climbing out the other side 9 to 10 hours later. I'm a little nervous about this , but excited to take on the challenge. My Step- Dad leads a group through twice a year and it's become a bit of a right of passage in the family. My 20 year old son and my 16 year old daughter have done it previously. This time my 18 year old son and my 12 year old daughter and I will be going. It will be fun to share that experience with two of my kids. But it's definitely not going to be easy. I'm down to just a few weeks now so have to start getting more serious about training for it. Here's my plan:

Mondays: P90X Kenpo

Tuesdays: Run two miles

Wednesdays: P90X Plyometrics

Thursdays: Run two miles

Fridays: P90X Kenpo

Saturdays: Run two miles

Sundays: Rest

In addition I will be climbing the main stairs in my house 50 times a day to get those climbing muscles going strong. I want to drop about 5 pounds beforehand too so I have less to carry. :-) Wish me luck!!

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