Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lessons learned in Italy

I am happy to report that my plan worked...I lost two pounds this week eating pasta and gelato. Why? Because we walked for miles every day sightseeing. Calories burned exceeded calories taken in. Makes me want to find more excuses to walk when I get home.

I noticed about halfway into the trip that there were very few overweight people in Rome. This surprised me considering the stereotypical image I had in my mind before coming here, so I asked my friend about it. She told me that there are many reasons for this. First, as noted above, they walk a lot. Driving is a bit of a nightmare here in the city so most people opt to walk. They also shop frequently, buying fresh fruits and vegetables that are almost always in season and organically grown. That is the norm here. Contrary to what I figured after growing up eating the Americanized versions of Italian food...they use cheese and sauces rather sparingly. Draw flavor from their foods with high quality healthy oils and herbs instead. Fast food really barely exists. I only saw two McDonalds and one Burger King in all of Rome. There may be more but I did not see them. No drive-throughs either. People cook fresh most days. Processed foods are enormously expensive and not often purchased.  Healthy eating comes naturally and of necessity in this environment. And they tend to eat rather slowly and savor their food and conversation. Virtually the whole city closes down from noon to four o'clock for "lunch hour." Pretty much everything is closed except the restaurants during this time, unless you are in a high tourist traffic area, so the locals can take their time and eat unrushed. Lunch is often the biggest meal of the day which has been proven to be better for your system generally. Also when you eat more slowly you tend to eat less food, because you give your body the chance to register the sensation of fullness.  All good tips that I hope to incorporate more into my life when I return to the states tomorrow. It's been a wonderful trip. Good food. Amazing history and friendly people. Wonderful all the way around. Thank you to my friend Bonnie and her family for hosting me while I was here.

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