Friday, March 4, 2011

Personal Rewards

Once you have set your ultimate goals I strongly recommend that you then break them down into smaller chunks. While it is critical of course to know your ultimate destination, it can be rather daunting on a daily basis to focus on that if it is quite far distant. I knew at the start that I had about 80 pounds to lose. This weight did not come on over night so it was clear that it would not come off immediately either. It would take a long time to reach that final goal. I floundered around a lot for the first year and lost about 15 pounds, but my focus was always on the end goal. So even though I was having some success, I still felt constantly overwhelmed by the scope of what I had left to do. It kept me in a continual state of feeling like I was failing when focused on how far I had to go. Always thinking about how fat I still was instead of how much thinner I was getting. So in the next year, when I hit my total rock bottom place, I knew I had to do things differently than I had been doing them in the past. I understood that in order to remain motivated I needed to feel successful and proud of myself along the way instead of only at the end of the race. So I did two things that made a huge difference for me. I broke my weight loss goal down into 5 pound segments and attached a reward to each small victory. I was at about 205 at the time so I wrote on a piece of paper 200, 195, 190, 185 etc. down to 140 which was my finish line weight goal. And then next to each number I wrote down a reward for myself that I would earn when I got to that weight. I used things like pedicures and new clothes mostly, with a couple of big things mixed in that I wanted to do for my having my spider veins treated. But you can reward yourself in whatever ways would be most motivational for your personally. I'd definitely suggest though that you be sure to make your rewards JUST for you. And linked to your improved appearance and/or energy level in some way so it is directly tied to the hard work you are doing. Now I know some will say "but I can't afford to give myself rewards"...well...than choose things that have low to no cost like a date to a free local concert or a pair of used jeans from a consignment store. Be creative and you can think of things that will make you smile.  When contemplating losing 25 or 40 or 100 pounds it's easy to tell yourself "I can't" - but a 5 pound loss feels far more doable. And it's so much more fun to push to achieve that smaller goal knowing that there is something waiting for you as a prize when you reach it. Your focus begins to shift to how many successes you are having and that provides the extra little boost you will need on days when you just don't feel like getting up to work out. You'll think...yeah I know it's hard but I only have two more pounds to lose before I get to have that massage I've been wanting so bad. I can do this!!! And you will! In the second year of my weight loss I lost the remaining 65 pounds and had so much more self confidence and enjoyment in the process. These principles were significant factors in that. So chop those goals down into more manageable pieces and have some fun deciding which rewards you're going to be earning soon!

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