Much of the mystery of losing weight is not as complicated as it seems. For instance...1 pound of weight equals 3500 calories. So if you are interested in losing a pound in a week you need to either consume 3500 fewer calories than usual that week OR burn 3500 extra calories. Or some combination of both. Either way works. BUT...when you put your energy toward building muscle that's best, because the muscle will continue to work for you, burning calories even when you are at rest. Seems the most efficient use of your time and effort.
Step one is tracking what you eat on a typical week and totaling up the calories. Keep a log and don't forget to add in the small bites of this and that...they add up. Also, don't forget to add the calories from condiments and dressings. Once you have a baseline of what is usual for you, things will be clearer in terms of how to proceed. If you are eating way too many calories, than cutting some out is your best bet. But if you skip a lot of meals and aren't eating enough, it may be better to actually ADD more calories to your diet in order to boost your metabolism and energy level for workouts.
This is really more about math than magic. 500 calories a day restricted or burned equals one pound lost. To lose two pounds, double that number. Please remember thought hat not all calories are the same. You can eat a diet of 1100 calories a day of only hostess cupcakes and you'll probably lose weight. But your body will not be getting the nutrition it needs. Over time you'll lack energy, your hair and skin will lose their vibrance, and you'll be at risk for many diseases including diabetes. So cut calories wisely. Drop 500 a day from sugary, high fat processed foods, and keep filling up with whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats. It not just about the weight on the scale after all. It's about optimal health and vitality. Your body will thank you!
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