The Ultimate Core DVD of this series is pretty good. It is divided into three 15 minute segments, which is nice because it allows you to customize your workout depending on how much time and motivation you have on a particular day. If you are focusing primarily on abs that day, you may choose to do all three segments. Or you can pick one or two as a supplement to running or other weight lifting perhaps. I found the third segment to be awkward. It may be that I am still not that used to working with the medicine ball? But it was taking so much concentration to try to hold the medicine ball in place that I missed some of the main benefits of the moves I thought. But maybe over time that would improve. The first section was my favorite though. Each segment on its own was not quite enough in my opinion, but all three together would be a challenge and a good workout.
With an exercise ball you'll be able to experience greater range of motion when doing the traditional abdominal exercise for example crunches and curl ups.