Everyone has yeast in the body. It’s there to help decompose and recycle our bodies when we die – happy thought, huh? Unfortunately though if it multiplies too quickly in our bodies, it begins its job prematurely. This overabundance of yeast is called Candidiasis. If you add in a poor nutritional diet or a sluggish or impaired immune system which weakens the body, you are going to have a hard time fighting off yeast. Stress and environmental pollutants can also play a role in reducing the body’s control over Candida. The yeast colonies then grow rapidly which can cause headaches, allergies, rashes, hives, eczema, anxiety, fatigue and a slower metabolism. When this happens a detox is called for. So what foods do you want to avoid during a Candida Detox?
1. All sugars and sugar-containing foods - including table sugar, fructose, corn syrup, honey, molasses, maple sugar and date sugar.
2. All white flour and white flour products. All yeast-containing pastries, breads, crackers, pastas, etc.
3. All cheese except ricotta, cottage and cream cheese.
4. Artificially sweetened drinks and food products.
5. Avoid alcoholic beverages.
6. Avoid all fruit juices, fresh fruits (fresh, canned, or dried like raisins) until yeast is abated. Fresh lemon or lime may be used in water, or as a substitute for vinegar in salad dressings.
7. All coffee and tea (even herbal).
8. Chlorinated tap water.
9. All processed meats such as bacon, sausage, ham, hot dogs, luncheon meats, corned beef, and pastrami.
Old leftovers. If food has been in the fridge for more than 3 days, do not eat it. Leftovers may be frozen.
10. Obvious fungus foods: mushrooms, blue cheese, etc.
11. Peanuts and peanut products.
12. All vinegar-soaked products or vinegar dressings: pickles, pickle relish etc. Lemon juice may be substituted for vinegar in recipes.
13. Brewers yeast, B vitamins made from yeast, yeast breads, pastries, crackers and pretzels that contain yeast.
So what in the world ARE you supposed to eat then??
1. Meats: I recommend grass-fed or pastured products always, but you can have all uncured and healthy chicken, turkey, game birds, quail, duck goose, pheasant and Cornish hen. Grass-fed beef, buffalo, lamb and venison.
2. Eggs: Choose organic cage-free or preferably free range eggs in moderation. No more than 6 per week.
3. Fish: All fresh fish including salmon, water packed tuna, clam, shrimp, lobster and oysters. Wild caught is the best. I love wild caught Keto Salmon as well as tuna, but be sure know where your tuna came from.
4. I’m iffy on nuts because if they are salted or processed at all it hides if they’ve gone bad. So make sure you get raw nuts, seeds and unprocessed oils. Almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, filberts, pecans, and pumpkin seeds are all great choices.
5. Cold Pressed Oils: Almond, avocado, flax seed, butter, hemp, olive and coconut oil (Coconut Oil is a potent anti-fungal).
6. Whole Grains: (GMO of course) Including spelt, barley, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, gluten-free oats, brown rice, wheat, whole grain pasta or vegetable pastas. Make sure all items made with them are yeast free.
7. Cereals: Hot or cold – whole wheat, unsweetened cereals including oat bran, puffed rice, puffed wheat and buckwheat
8. Breads: Any whole grain, unsweetened bread without yeast – look in the refrigerator section of your health food store. My favorite is the Pacific Bakery Spelt Bread.
9. Crackers and Chips: Any whole grain, unsweetened cracker or chip (I recommend you stay away from white potatoes) including Koyo brand buckwheat rice cakes, Ryvita brand crackers in various flavors – read ingredients, Terra brand chips in various flavors – read ingredients.
10. Muffins and Biscuits: Any whole grain muffin, biscuit, tortilla or rice cake – must be made with baking soda or powder – not yeast. Read the packaging.
11. Legumes: All legumes if soaked well, such as lentils, peas, dried beans i.e. pinto, navy, northern, kidney etc.
12. Fresh Vegetables: All vegetables except I would leave out the white potatoes for a bit.
13. Use stevia as a natural sweetener - found in the supplement section. I like Truvia.
14. Dairy: Unsweetened plain whole – milk yogurt, skyr, plain kefir, buttermilk, cottage and ricotta cheese, goat milk, soft goat cheese and unsweetened whey products.
15. Beverages: Bottled, filtered water and sparkling water. Hot or room temperature.
The idea is to reduce the yeast but still get your nutrients in. Unfortunately you may start to feel worse before you feel better. As the candida die off because you aren’t feeding them anymore, that can irritate the system at first. And remember that the foods you are allergic to have built up in your system and they are no longer entering it. As they begin to break down and find their way out of the body you may find that you are suffering from: (usually week three-ish)
– headaches and nausea
– severe brain fog
– unexplainable dizziness
– major fatigue
– increased sugar cravings
– minor skin breakouts
– cold hands and feet
Don’t give up. You want to stick with this for at least six weeks – and supplement where needed with organic and holistic items.
Barbara Christensen is the owner of Bija Coaching, which has been offering lifestyle and business coaching expertise worldwide since 2003. Prior to that Barbara was involved with international marketing, operational management and entrepreneurship for over a decade. To learn more, see her website at: www.BijaCoaching.com. She is also a fresh food enthusiast and blogger - www.eatfreshinthecity.com